Peaceful Productivity,

Communication & Profit,

for Entrepreneurs & Leaders

⌚Reclaim your time

🙏 Conflict-free communication

💸 Grow profit

As Seen On


This page is for you IF...

🧑‍💼You are a business owner/CEO who wants 3hrs back in his calendar and a more productive team so you can be the Super Dad your kids will remember;

👩‍🦰You are a coach, consultant or solopreneur who wants your first or next $15000 in 100 days (or your don't pay);

👩‍💼You're a corporate leader who wants great communication and productivity for yourself and your team;

🦝You're just curious!

Here's some of my clients' success stories

Hope, you'll enjoy.

Coach Arnaud CZ

David made 50k in his first 2 months of business and got comfortable with the unknown

Mary Ann achieved a 100% close rate on her first 4 sales calls

Alena embraced her authentic self, gain valuable insights and motivation for her own writing aspirations and personal growth
Double her rate to make more space for her creative endeavour

Dave gained clarity, made mindset shifts, and achieved significant progress in a short period / Generate sales for his guitar course

"...60% conversion rate! 🚀"

Marie found the motivation validated her idea and used the finding for her next project

Vladimir went from a well paid but boring & stressful job to a better paid job with less responsibilities | learned to find balance

Luc went from many low quality clients to a few high paying clients

Oskar experienced significant growth and improved conversion rates, including closing sales over $2,000

Marie openned on her personal creativity to make video, write a play, etc.

Andrew helped him clarify his vision, gain confidence in his decisions, improved health, find alignment in various areas of his life and find exciting career opportunity
Got a remote job with equity in a Unicorn company

(with 25% increase on his base)

Frederic testimonial

Emilie left a job she didn’t like, developped her activity and started a new project

Alix find motivation to correct her book and control her perfectionism

Ksenia provided clarity, direction, and the tools necessary to navigate professional growth

Got a raise, a promotion and became a communication expert

Raving Reviews: Satisfied Clients and Successful Sales

© 2017 - 2024 Peaceful Productivity. All Rights Reserved.

How the process works

Book your star session

I will help you get clarity by taking a look at where you’re at now, and exactly what your income goals are. By auditing your progress against my 9 signature frameworks, so YOU get crystal clear on the next steps you should take to improve your revenue and productivity without getting lost and overwhelmed with information you find on Google.

Get a solution tailored to your specific needs

If we think our Peaceful Productivity Program system can help get you there faster we’ll show you what that might look like. With a tailor-made program just for your goals using my crystal clear step-by-step pathway to help you rapidly increase your revenue and productivity in just 3 Months.

If we don’t think it’s a good fit for you we’ll politely point you in the direction of something that might work better for your current situation.

Our goal is to get you to 100% clarity on the next steps you should be taking to improve your revenue and productivity.

Evolve into a peaceful, productive rockstar!

The peaceful productivity program will provide you with fast results that will help you focus on high-impact activities that will lead to a thriving business, more than double your revenue and ample time and energy to enjoy the rest of your life.

Are you ready to perform like a rockstar in your life and business?

If you’re tired of dancing to the tunes of negative people, feeling overwhelmed with everything on your plate and frustrated by your lack of time…

Then join me on the Peaceful Productivity journey that will change your life, guaranteed!

Oskar increased his conversion rate by over 30%

Dave made 10 sales in 24hrs and

set a funnel for passive income!